Trusted by Brands and Organizations Worldwide

You will be assessed in the 5 key areas of Sales Success.


We know that since we become what we think about, the most outwardly identifiable characteristic or manifestation of what we're thinking about is our attitude. And we know that a positive mental attitude is absolutely indispensable for sales success.

Opportunity Development

When it comes to opportunity development as a sales person, your best source is referral. It is the lowest hanging fruit, the most inexpensive way to prospect, and most importantly, the highest calibre of prospects come from referrals. But feferrals do not just happen.


As a salesperson, there are some questions that you need to ask over and over as part of your sales strategy. Very often, the answers to these sales questions will change in response to evolving conditions. It is important that you change as well when it is necessary.

Sales Process

There are three steps in the sales process: establishing rapport (know, like, and trust you), identifying the problem (proper diagnosis of the problem you can solve), and presenting the solution (and answering the prospect’s unspoken questions).

OK, I’m ready - I want to know my score!

How will this help me?

You have launched a successful business, but are you confident in your ability to take your sales to the next level? Do you know where to start, what areas of the sales to focus on and how to lead your company to the levels of success you are dreaming of?

Take this short assessment to find out where you rank in your sales success.

Your answers to the questions will be confidential and used only to help seek clarity in those areas.

I'm ready - let's do it!

What did you want when you started in business?


Chances are if you are like most people it would have included some of the following concepts…



    • Working Fewer Hours
    • Having More Time For Vacations
    • Earning More Money
    • Creating More Lasting Wealth
    • Surrounding Yourself With An Incredible Team
    • Doing More Of What You Love
    • Being The One In Control


If you also happen to be like most people, chances are your current reality doesn't quite reflect the visions you once had.



But it doesn't have to be this way.

You can work fewer hours, earn more money, and have a great team.

With sustained focus and small improvements made over time, it is possible to build a business that gives you more time, money, and freedom.

Is today the day you decide to take your sales to the next level?

This Sales Success Score assessment gives you more insight into your needs and what you're looking for in your business.

This report includes tips and tricks, next steps, and how to apply your skills to achieve your sales goals.

Take Me To The Test NOW!


Who We Are

FocalPoint Coaching & Training is a franchise organization of business coaches and trainers who work with entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives to help enhance their companies and their lives by leveraging the coaches’ business experience and our content.

We take the proven business coaching techniques of the world-famous business trainer and author, Brian Tracy (google him), and blend them with the business skills and experience of our coaches.